Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My first blog...

I have decided that today would be the day that I start to venture outside the box. Since that time I received my first camera as a gift I knew that this it what I wanted to do with my life. I would drive around town taking pictures of random strangers (always asking their permission of course,) and to be honest it felt right. My family has a long history of artists, we feel, react, and most importantly love differently. I believe that God has instilled a hunger for all things beautiful, and by beautiful, I mean even the beauty in things that appear not to be beautiful. I have no idea why today is the day, I believe that God is telling me that it is time to start what he has already written for my life, so thank you Lord for allowing me to feel your presence guiding me through this journey even when I have no idea where it will end up. Love you.

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